Sunday, May 13, 2012

NOTAM 051412

14 May 2012


Monday: AP Testing continues throughout the week. Best to everyone!

Tuesday: Aviation PTSA Ultimate Frisbee Team Practice 3:40 – 5:30 PM on Campus

Wednesday: Environmental Challenge Project Presentations (morning only)
Spring Youth Venture after school in room 6
Film Club after school in Mr. Savishinsky’s room
Aviation PTSA Ultimate Frisbee Team Practice 3:40 – 5:30 PM on Campus

Thursday: Environmental Challenge Presentations (morning only)
Culture Club in Room 24 3:45 – 4:45
Aviation PTSA Ultimate Frisbee Team Practice 3:40 – 5:30 PM on Campus

Friday: Non School Day – Student Led Conferences

Saturday: Senior Prom! Get your ticket this week if you haven’t already done so!


Cheers to mothers everywhere! It was a beautiful weekend to celebrate the goodness of mothers on their very special day. I do hope you gave a special tribute to those within your own family, making their Mother’s Day joyful and relaxing.

Cheers, too, to another AHS student who is well on his way to earning his wings. After a lot of instruction from our own resident pilot Dr. Edgerton, Raj De Young recently took to the skies out of the Bremerton National Airport, in a Cessna 150 (N45517), marking his first solo flight. As most of you may know, Raj is a junior who moved here from Australia last summer. His goal is to fly commercially, and he is well on his way! When you see Raj, give him a hearty handshake of congratulations!

More congratulations are extended to AHS Senior, Curtis Campisteguy, who applied for and was awarded the $5,000 Daniel and Bernice Condit Scholarship for an Eagle Scout who will be focusing on math, science or engineering in college. Curtis attended a dinner event last week at which he received this top scholarship award that is provided to a Boy Scout. He will use the award to pursue an engineering degree.

We are now close to having 60 internship placements for Summer of 2012! Please join me in congratulating the most recent students to be selected for some very prestigious experiences:
 Kishan Vekaria and Chad Crooks for being offered full-time summer internships with the FAA this summer! Sydney Miller has also been selected for an Engineering internship!
 Jacob Wagner on being hired for a paid internship with LUMA Technologies.
 Six interns have been selected for the Pathfinders Gala this year: Savannah Mattson, Anthea Phuong, Andrea Wooley, Lori Baca, Robyn Zaches and Tran Tonnu. Jessica Lewis is the lead intern for the music part of the event.
My best for an astonishing week of learning! I am honored to be your principal—Reba G.

EOC – End of Course Exams in Math and Science are almost here: All students that are enrolled in Algebra or Geometry are required to test. Students who have not met the state standard through testing are also required to test. Students should be receiving information about this from their math teacher. Look for your name. Algebra EOC is May 23; Geometry EOC is May 24. Tests will be from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM.

All students enrolled in Biology must take the EOC. : Science EOC is May 31.

Students needing to make up their Algebra and Geometry EOC exams will also be tested on May 23 and May 24.

SENIORS & Parents of Seniors: The last day to turn in your request for extra graduation tickets is Monday, May 21st. If you need another form come to Room 20. Remember every person over the age of 2 must have a ticket. Also…a letter was mailed home to you last week from Ms. Gilman that addresses expectations related to graduation. Please review it with your family members! And…an invitation to the Senior Awards Ceremony was also mailed home. Parents, siblings, grandparents, and other family members are invited to attend the Senior Awards Ceremony—no ticket necessary, and plenty of room for seating.

Yearbook is looking for pictures to put in our end-of-the-year slideshow to be played at the awards ceremony in June. Check to see if you have pictures of you and your friends at school dances or robotics competitions, doing sports outside of school, hanging out with planes, or anything else you may want in the slideshow. Send pictures to and please keep them school appropriate, they will be edited. Thank you!

A new internship has been posted for AHS female students of any grade level with the West Seattle based “Girls Rock Math”. Several positions are available and interns will serve as Math Camp Interns-Counselors for one or two week sessions. Check out the bulletin board by the Career Center or the Careers Website and get an application from Mrs. Burr, deadline is May 30, 2012.

“She’s taught me to be strong. She’s my role model, my hero. I follow in her footsteps.”
~Andrea Jewett, 17-year old daughter of Kathi Goertzen, former KOMO TV news anchorwoman, who has battled a series of debilitating brain tumors.
Seattle Times, Mother’s Day Edition, May 13, 2012


NEW Internship with ERIN AIR . Check the bulletin board and website,

Student Survey: Each spring, we ask parents and students to give us their feedback. We use the survey results to learn what we are doing well and where we need to improve.

The Student Survey link is now active on the district’s homepage Please schedule time for students to take the online survey. Click on the Survey link in the “Important Information for Families” box. Students will be required to login using their normal credentials. The domain for most schools is ERAC. The survey will remain open until June 3.

Thank you for your assistance with this during this busy time.

Prom: To all upperclassmen, "A Rose by Any Other Name" the 2012 Prom is occurring on May 19th! Prom tickets are AVAILABLE IN MS. SORENSEN'S (KIM’S) OFFICE for $50 from now till May 7th and $60 after May 7th. Tickets available for $60 until May18. Our Junior Class Captains and the Prom Committee have planned a SPECTACULAR Prom and we hope to see everyone there for the last dance of the year!!!

Attention Girls – Attending Prom? Need a little help? Again this year, Ms. Pappas and Ms. Carper are working with the Highline Foundation for Excellence Project PROMise and stand ready to provide assistance if you need a dress or accessories for the event. Let them know!

Graduation Information for Seniors (from Ms. Juarez)
 Mark your calendar. The senior reception is scheduled for Sunday, June 3rd 2:00-4:30 PM. More info will come at a later date.
 Graduation Rehearsal will be held Friday, June 8 in the gym.
 Graduation will be at the PAC on Thursday, June 14, at 7:00 PM.


Abbot and Fenner Business Consultants are offering $1,000 scholarships. Applications are available at Deadline: June 15, 2012.
Big Sun is offering an annual scholarship to any young athlete. All students are eligible for this award, it does not matter what sport you are participating in. To learn more visit Deadline: June 22, 2012