Sunday, January 22, 2012

NOTAM 011612

23 January 2012


Monday: Semester Exams, Periods 1-6; No Spirit Week attire until Thursday!
Robotics 6:00 – 9:00 PM

Tuesday: Semester Exams, Block Schedule A
VIP on Campus—Bill Boyd, Senior VP, Rolls Royce, 9:30-11:00 a.m.
Robotics 6:00 – 9:00 PM

Wednesday: Semester Exams, Block Schedule B; End of Semester.
Film Club after school in Mr. Savishinsky’s room (check with Mr. S to confirm
meeting is being held)
Robotics 6:00 – 9:00 PM

Thursday: Assembly Schedule, Periods 1-6.
Spirit Week—Wild Animal Day;
Culture Club in Room 24 3:45 – 4:45 (check w/Mrs. Wombold to confirm meeting is being held)
Robotics 6:00 – 9:00 PM

Friday: Regular Friday Schedule, Periods 1-6; dismissal at 2:00 p.m.
Spirit Week—Mustache Day AND Class Colors Day
Rbotics—check with Coach Steele to confirm Friday & Weekend Schedules

Saturday: Robotics (will also meet Sunday)
Speech and Debate at Federal Way High School? (Confirm with Mr. Shiroma)
Tolo—Beauty & the Geek, 8:00-11:00 p.m. Tickets on sale during lunch all week!

As I write my message on a windy and rainy Sunday morning following several days of inclement weather and school closures, I’m grateful that the power is on in my home and I’m snug and warm. I realize, though, that such may not be the case for many of you and your families since power is still being restored throughout the region. I’m hoping that everyone is back to ‘normal’ soon and that we will see you at school tomorrow (Monday). FYI that if you heard that power was out at school, it’s true that it was. It’s being restored as I write, though, with assurance from the crew that we’ll be up and running today. Should the unpredictable happen, though, and school be delayed or canceled, we will make every effort to notify families via a robocall.

The school calendar calls for make-up days to occur at the end of the school year. At this time, please plan to make up three days UNLESS the Governor decides otherwise due to declaring one day as a State of Emergency. I will keep you posted in future editions of the NOTAM as decisions are made.

The end of the semester has been adjusted to end this Wednesday, January 25th. Teachers are adjusting exam and presentation schedules, which will be explained in classes.

Because of the change in semester ending date and exams being given through Wednesday, Spirit Week activities and attire will be limited to Thursday and Friday. Refer to “What’s Happening this Week” section for specifics. Tickets can be purchased during lunch this week for Tolo, which is still scheduled for Saturday evening January 28.

Please join me in welcoming a new student to our learning community—Raj DeYoung, who just completed 11th grade in Australia. Raj attended the prestigious Aviation High School in Queensland, Australia during his 8th and 9th grade years and then attended his resident school in Brisbane for grades 10 and 11. He is inspired by all things aviation with a goal of becoming a commercial pilot. Welcome, Raj!

As we regroup this week, I ask for your patience. There was a lot on the calendar for last week that now needs to be rescheduled, including meetings with Ms. Carper regarding class changes. We will all get caught up—but not in one day, so remember to breathe and give folks the benefit of the doubt. We’ll all be doing double time to make sure that needs get met!

In spite of all the weather challenges we’ve faced during the past week, I do hope that you found a way to enjoy some of the enchantment that comes with snow. I grew up where we endured a lot of snow, and I never found shoveling it much fun; I did, however, love the sledding, skiing, building snow forts, etc. that came with it. I hope you experienced some of the same!

Enjoy this week of learning and look forward to Tolo this Saturday. Your student leaders have worked hard to plan a great evening for all.

I am honored to be your principal and very glad to be back in school! —Reba G.

There are no new announcements for this week.

From Your ASB:
• Tolo: AHS students: get pumped for the second dance of the year! Tolo (girls ask guys) will be on January 28th from 8-11 p.m. and the theme is Beauty and the Geek. For more information about ticket prices look for posters around the school. Tickets will be sold the week of the dance. If you want to bring someone from another school, make sure to pick up the proper paperwork from the main office and get it turned in to Mrs. Hiranaka no later than Monday, January 23rd, 2012

• Special Edition Sweatshirts: We still have some Special Edition Sweatshirts available for sale. There are two different styles of crewnecks (black or red) available for $28. See Mrs. Fitzpatrick in room 22 or talk to Mrs. Hiranaka in the main office if you are interested in purchasing one.

• $5 Fridays: Every Friday during lunch, the ASB will be opening up the Spirit Shop (AKA the ASB Closet next to Mrs. Flynn's classroom) and selling all t-shirts, lanyards, and sunglasses for just $5! Come check out our inventory...we have some new t-shirt designs available. Also, spirit buttons are being sold three days a week during lunch for just 50 cents!

AHS Film Club and Art Credit: We do not need film enthusiasts, we just need you! Do you want an exploratory art experience? AHS Film Club is now offering art credit for those who seek an alternate to Visual Arts or CAD! Come join the Film Club where you can indulge in technical innovation and creative development of film as a story telling art form. You can take part in great projects like the Renton Film Frenzy, the National Film Festival for Talented Youth, the Seattle International Film Festival Future Wave Committee, and much more! If you have any questions, you can ask Kevin Schilling, Dustin Abrahamson or Mr. Savishinsky. Film Club meets every Wednesday from 3:30 – 5:00.

The Kavli "Save the World through Science and Engineering Video Contest" is open to students in Grades 6-12. Deadline is March 1, 2012. Students make a short video ( :30-:90) that shows how scientific discoveries and inventions can improve our lives and change our world, either right now or in the future. Enter your video on Schooltube and compete for cash prizes! First prize is $2000 and a travel stipend to Washington, DC to the USA Science and Engineering Festival: April 28-29, Second prize is $750, Third prize is $500, and People's Choice is $250. Winners will be honored in a special awards ceremony hosted by Bill Nye the Science Guy.

Paid Internships with Aerotec Engineering: Announcing 1-2 full time, paid internships with Aerotec Engineering for the summer 2012. Juniors and Seniors can apply, with application deadline March 15, 2012. Candidates should be pursuing an engineering career, and will need to submit a cover letter and resume, letters of endorsement, transcript and any supplemental materials demonstrating their qualifications. Intern/s will work directly with engineers in flight testing and many other areas according to their interests. Julie Burr, Coordinator of Work Based Learning, can answer questions and a full internship description is on the bulletin board outside the Career Center.

Central Sound Regional Science & Engineering Fair: March 10, 2012 @ Bellevue College.

New for 2012!

• High school students from King and Snohomish Counties must participate in the CSRSEF in order to compete in the 2012 Washington State Science & Engineering Fair.

•There will be a $10 entry fee per student. Each team member will pay an entry fee. Fee waivers will be available for
students receiving free or reduced-fare lunches. The fee will be waived for the first 3 students that register from
each school!

• March 10 is a designated SAT testing date. Students who wish to participate in the fair should plan to take the SAT on an alternate date.

Aviation High School Students: Do something today that will help someone tomorrow. Did you know 1 in 3 homeless people in the U.S. are under the age of 18? “Teens for Jeans” is an event on that is asking for our help. The organization collects gently used jeans and donates them to over 600 homeless shelters. In the past 4 years this organization has received and donated over 1.5 million pairs of jeans. Are you up to the challenge? I’d like to ask you to collect your gently worn jeans, any brand, ANY SIZE, and donate them to the Lunch room starting January 16th! If our school collects the most jeans our school will be granted $5,000. For any additional information please contact Ashley Snyder @

Note from the AHS Office: Dear Aviation HS Community: We want to get your information into the NOTAM. Please help us by using the following guidelines to ensure your important information is made available to our aviation community:
• NOTAM submissions are due by the end of school day on Thursday of each week.
• All submissions need to be submitted electronically via email to . This will ensure your submission will be posted.

The AHS Ultimate Frisbee team is starting up again! Practices start Wednesday, Feb 22! Whether or not one has experience or not anyone is welcome! We would hopefully like to have a Varsity and Junior Varsity but we are in need of more girls. The games will begin in mid March on Saturdays! If you need more information feel free to contact Chris Lu ( or Jennifer Luoma (!
Research Science Institute - The Center for Excellence in Education (CEE) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) co-sponsors of the Research Science Institute (RSI) are looking for talented 11th Grade STEM Students! Are you one of them, and would you be interested in doing some really exciting cutting-edge summer research?

If so, consider applying to the (RSI) program to be held on the MIT campus June 24 to August 4, 2012. Participants will meet some of the world’s most talented students and have an opportunity to conduct research in amazing labs! For application materials and more info about the program, take a look at the CEE web site:

If you have any questions, please contact Maite Ballestero, Vice President, Programs,

Attention 9th grade students: If you are interested in hosting an 8th grade “shadow,” you must sign up, be endorsed by your teachers, and attend mandatory training. To start the process, sign up in Ms. Carper’s office this week!


There’s only one week left for high school juniors and seniors in King, Pierce and Snohomish counties to apply for the Bank of America Student Leaders Program.

Winners receive:
• An eight-week paid internship at a charitable organization
• A week-long Student Leadership Summit in Washington, DC (July) to gain valuable civic, social and business leadership skills (all expenses paid as part of the Student Leaders Program)

Students can apply by going to

Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation supports many students all over the world with various scholarship opportunities. For more information about the different scholarships available, visit

AXA Achievement Scholarship- The AXA Achievement Scholarship is directed by AXA Equitable and offers more than $1.3 million a year in scholarships. If you are ethnically and economically diverse, have drive and determination, and feel you are able to succeed in college; this is the right scholarship for you! Visit for more information.

Abbot and Fenner Business Consultants are offering $1,000 scholarships. Applications are available at Deadline: June 15, 2012.
Big Sun is offering an annual scholarship to any young athlete. All students are eligible for this award, it does not matter what sport you are participating in. To learn more visit Deadline: June 22, 2012

Continue checking the AHS website or logging on to school computers to get updated information on events and meetings

“Let the Sun Shine!”
~Ms. Gilman