Wednesday, June 2, 2010

NOTAM 052410
24 May 2010


Dignitary on campus, 2:30-4:00 p.m.—Mr. Arono Cisse, Technical Advisor of Civil Aviation Authority, Senegal
Ballroom Dancing for beginners 3:40–4:00 p.m. in the Gym
Ballroom Dancing for advanced 4:00 – 4:30 p.m. in the Gym
Peer Tutoring (drop-in) 3:35–4:45 p.m. in Room 10
Intramurals after school today

Robotics Team Meeting 6:00 – 9:00 p.m. in room 7

VIP on campus, 10:30-12:30, Flack McGuire, San Diego
Peer Tutoring (sign-up) 3:35–4:45 p.m. in Room 10

Clubs during Advisory
College Fair, 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Culture Club 3:45–4:45 p.m. in Room 24
Robotics Team Meeting 6:00 – 9:00 p.m.

Snow Make Up Day – No School

Congratulations, Seniors, on presenting some amazing projects last Friday! It was clear that there was a great deal of planning and creative thought that went into this year’s projects. From a beautifully designed and decorated cake to testing alternative fuel solutions, updating of a classic car, developing an engineering guidebook, creating a scouting plan for the robotics team, researching future career options, to launching a balloon in Ellensburg and tracking its journey to Wenatchee…the projects were impressive! You can now breathe another sigh of relief in completing one more graduation requirement, and perhaps you will even consider taking your project to the next level, whatever that may be. Kudos to all!

Congratulations to Andrew Garrido, too, who was officially awarded the Eagle Scout Rank by the Boy Scouts of America. The rigors of becoming an Eagle Scout are such that, nationally, only four to five percent of all members per year actually make it to attaining this rank designation, which is the highest level that can be earned within the organization. It takes years of dedication and commitment in order to make it to this level. Congratulations, all Eagle Scouts!

And…big congratulations to our ASB officers, class captains, and reps who worked so hard to sponsor an exciting Prom this past weekend. Memories are meant to be cherished for years to come, so I hope Prom 2010 was all you hoped for!

We are drawing closer to the end of the school year, so I’m providing a reminder of some important events and dates:

Monday, May 24 9th graders on college tour to Highline Community College

Tuesday, May 25 Scholarship Applications due to Ms. Carper! (Seniors only)

Thursday, May 27 College Fair, on campus, 4-6 p.m.

Friday, May 28 No school; since we have had no school closures due to inclement weather or other emergencies, so enjoy an extended weekend!

Monday, May 31 No school—Memorial Day

Wednesday, June 2 AIAA-sponsored speaker series, featuring Dr. Bonnie Dunbar, CEO/President of the Museum of Flight & former astronaut

Friday, June 4 Battle of the Bands

Sunday, June 6 Senior Awards Ceremony—for seniors and their families and their invited guests. All seniors will be recognized at this ceremony and should, therefore, plan to attend!

Friday, June 11 All-school Awards Ceremony, 9:30-11:30 at the PAC

Thursday, June 17 Graduation Ceremony, 10-11:00 a.m. at the PAC; students in grades 9, 10, 11 report to school at 12:30 p.m. for lunch, classes begin at
1:00 p.m. Tuesday

June 22 Tentative VIP visit; showcasing of learning and school culture; all robotics, science Olympiad, ACE Club members should plan to participate if this visit occurs—graduates, too, if we can convince you to come back! More information to follow as details are confirmed.

Wednesday, June 23 Last day of school! Pancake breakfast served by staff!

Tuesday, June 29 Alaska Airlines Delivery Flight! First priority will be given to ACE club members, then graduating seniors, juniors, sophomores, and freshmen. Tentative plans include pick-up of students at AHS by chartered bus, transport to Boeing Field where we will board a new Boeing aircraft that Alaska is accepting into its fleet, a scenic tour around the Puget Sound area, and landing at Sea-Tac Airport where pictures will be taken before boarding the chartered busses back to AHS. While this event will occur during non-school time, it will still be school-sponsored. As such, all participants will need to have a permission form completed and returned to school by June 22. Participants will also need to have their own transportation to and from the school that day. A sign-up sheet will be posted in the Main Office tomorrow (May 24), and we will accept students on a first-come, first-served basis. Seniors: this is a great opportunity to receive just one more great graduation gift! Alaska presented it as a gift to last year’s graduating class, and it was quite spectacular—another memory-making event! I encourage you to sign up tomorrow!

Here’s to learning! May your week be filled with high expectations and outstanding results! As always, I am honored to be your principal! ~Reba

On Friday May 21, our principal Reba Gilman was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Highline Schools Foundation for Excellence. Reba is the fourth person to receive this prestigious award from the foundation. We are so very proud of you, Reba and this award is well deserved!!!

You and your family are cordially invited to attend the first Aviation High School sponsored College Fair. This is the first time that AHS has its own college fair specifically dedicated to its students. The college fair will take place at the gym on Thursday, May 27 from 4:00pm to 6:00pm. The colleges that will be attending are all from Washington and include community colleges as well as universities. It is highly recommended that all juniors attend the fair. It will help you decide on what college to attend. It is not too early for sophomores to begin looking at your different options as well!!!

Summer is a great time to relax and spend time with friends and family, and there’s still time to pursue activities that help you fulfill your career dreams. The following internships are open and will be filled soon- don’t miss out! Application information is available in the Career Center from Ms. Burr or Ms. Pappas, and also on the bulletin board outside the Career Center.

Aerotec (engineering, 2 positions, $15/hour) competitive/accepting applications from seniors. Juniors can apply but will probably be considered next year.

Erin Air (explore the business end of private jet charter service) 2 positions, 45 hours each, flexible schedule, accepting applications

Washington Pilots Association (aviation land use research and analyses). Assist with book to be given to all legislators/assessors in WA) 2 volunteer positions, 20-40 hours, flexible schedule, can be considered for a senior project. Accepting applications.

Apple Cup Aerobatics Show (assist judges with major Aerobatics event), 12 volunteer positions in Ephrata on June 18 & 19 for one or both days. Need parent or teacher to accompany students. Accepting applications.

Arlington Fly In (major aviation festival, range of positions), 25 volunteer positions in Arlington, 20 hours + 3 hours training, July 7-11. Accepting applications.

Alaska Airlines (Flight Operations), 2 volunteer positions shadowing college interns, participating in short airline economics class, hangar tour, several learning sessions. 31 hours, flexible schedule. Accepting applications.

Port of Seattle- several positions, in development, stay tuned. Accepting applications.

After a close race, the Sophomore Class won the food drive challenge! Thanks to everyone who donated food to benefit the Des Moines Food Bank – on Friday afternoon, we delivered nearly 100 pounds of canned and non-perishable food for our neighbors in need.

Except for the Quote of the Week, the following announcements have been posted in previous editions of the NOTAM. They are still important and posted for your information and action, as appropriate:

To count for this school year, completed forms reflecting community service hours are due by Friday, June 4th! Remember, a minimum of 40 hours are required before graduation. Many seniors have not yet documented their required hours. Please return your completed volunteer hour forms to Ms. Pappas or Ms. Carper no later than June 4.

Attention all students! It is time to break out your buckets and sponges! Aviation High School will be having its first ever car washes! If you would like to help out or are able to donate any car wash supplies, there are sign up lists in the office and Mr. Dezember’s room. If you have any questions, please contact Jenny Gao.

WHAT: Aviation’s first ever CAR WASHES!
WHO: YOU! We would only like a maximum of about 25 people for each car wash, so sign up ASAP.
WHEN: May 29th & June 5th from 11-4 PM
WHERE: the parking lot of Martini’s Dry Cleaners and Karuna Arts Yoga at the corner of 1st Avenue and Ambaum Boulevard in Burien
1)Sign up to HELP at the car wash
2)Bring in SUPPLIES to Mr. Dezember’s room. A list of needed supplies is posted in the classroom.
3)Bring your dirty car to be washed!

3rd Annual Senior Awards Reception– Sunday, June 6 from 1:30-4:00 p.m.

The senior award reception will once again be held at the Boeing Auditorium, located at: 7755 E Marginal Way S Building #2-22, Seattle, WA 98108. Every senior will be honored! Please plan to attend! This is a very special and memorable event for all seniors and their families. Aviation HS scholarships will be announced at this celebration, along with various other awards. Save the date on your calendars now!

Come be part of AHS’s first ever Battle of the Bands! On June 4th the greatest bands AHS has ever seen will assemble to battle for the title of AHS’s Best Band. If you or your band is interested in participating, contact Jim Stone or Andy Chayer. Anyone can participate (not just AHS students). Otherwise, come see the greatest competition of all time! Look in the NOTAM for future information on tickets.

Quote of the Week:
“If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.”
~Henry Ford