Sunday, November 14, 2010

NOTAM 110810

08 November 2010

Message from the Principal:
Today marks the start of second quarter and the continuation of first semester! I hope that your quarter exams/project presentations went according to your expectations (high expectations, of course!) and that you are inspired to push your learning to even higher levels of achievement. YOU are worth the effort that is required to realize your goals and dreams!

Veterans’ Day is this Thursday, November 11, so there will be no school. School will be in session on Friday, though…so see you then!

As we all will witness this afternoon, Veterans’ Day is not at all about having a day off from school. It is about honor, valor, commitment, and love of country and for comrades with whom one serves… and oh, so much more. We are fortunate to have retired Brigadier General Steve Ritchie, the most decorated Air Force pilot in military history, as our keynote speaker for this year’s Veterans’ Day Assembly. When I read his bio I was in awe of his accomplishments, and I am sure you will be, too. As I read about him, it caused me to think of the millions of military veterans who also served our country with dignity and pride; and, while they may not have earned distinguished recognition such as General Ritchie, they are still heroes. Veterans’ Day is about acknowledging all of our veterans for their service. So…as you do whatever it is you are planning to do on Thursday, a day away from school, please find time to also thank one or more veterans. Be assured that your thanks will be genuinely appreciated.

For the past few years, the Royal Aeronautical Society has invited AHS students and staff to attend their annual black-tie (that means formal/dress up attire similar to the Pathfinder Gala) Joe Sutter Dinner & Lecture. This year is no exception, and the date is Saturday, November 20. Sponsorship is being provided by Honeywell, Boeing Training & Flight Services, Boeing Test & Evaluation, Hobart Machined Parts (Betsy Smith and Melissa Lewis have already been selected by this company), Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Rolls Royce, and perhaps a few more aerospace-affiliated companies. So far, it looks like we will be able to take 20-25 students to this magnificent event. If you are interested in attending, check the calendar for details about what I need from you (details under RAeS / Joe Sutter Dinner on Saturday, November 20). I will need to receive your email message by no later than Monday, November 15. (Applicants for the Rolls-Royce scholarship are expected to attend.)

Marketing and recruitment of the Class of 2015 actively begins this week! Our first evening information program for eighth graders and parents will be held this Wednesday evening from 6:00-8:15 p.m. You may be asked by one of your teachers to assist; if so, we’ll treat you to pizza in appreciation of your ambassadorship. Science Olympiad, ACE Club, Robotics team, Speech & Debate should plan to set up displays in the cafeteria or back of the gym immediately after school on Wednesday. Other clubs are welcome to display, too.

If you are interested in helping with marketing and recruitment activities, please sign up with Lenore Stark in the main office. Examples of ways you can assist: Accompany us to a middle school to present to 8th graders (we are now scheduled to present in all four middle schools in the Highline School District), be a reader of student applications, serve on an interview team, assist with logistics and ‘meeting and greeting’ on interview days. EVERY student at AHS can serve as an ambassador by telling your friends and neighbors about Aviation High School and encouraging them to ‘check us out’ by attending one of our information programs. Next info programs are scheduled for December 2 and January 13. Application deadline this year is January 30, 2011.

That’s it for this week. Honored to be your principal—Reba

o Continue checking the AHS website or logging on to school computers to get updated information on events and meetings

Quote of the Week:
Valor is stability, not of legs and arms, but of courage and the soul."
-Michel de Montaigne

"In war, there are no unwounded soldiers."
-Jose Narosky