What’s happening this week?
Tuesday Robotics Team meeting 6:00-8:00 p.m. in Room 7.
Thursday - Culture Club at 3:45–4:45 p.m. in Room 24.
Robotics Team meeting at 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. in Room 7.
Friday Early Release Day at 2:00 p.m.
- Message from the Principal: Life After School fair at Tyee Educational Complex on Oct 7 at 5:30 p.m. in the cafeteria and hear from the Partnership for the 21st Century Skills.
- Message from the PTSA: The Auction is Nov 14th at the Museum of Flight! Please ask your student for the auction packet sent home with them today. This is our one and only BIG fundraising event during the year and we need every family to help for it to be a success! Additional forms and information are available on the aviatioptsa.org website and the school office. Please support our school and auction – thank you! Questions email ahsauction@aviationptsa.org.
- Students with less than 100% attendance (and their parents and guardians): Please remember that if you have to miss school (to the sadness of us all), make sure to get the absence excused by bringing in a note from your parents or guardians within 48 hours of your return to school. If you wait longer than that, it’ll take a doctor’s note or the superintendent to excuse it.
- Skunkworks: Save the Date for our Skunkworks Robotics team fundraiser Spaghetti Dinner and Dessert Auction Friday, October 30th from 6:00 – 8:30 PM in the AHS cafeteria! Come and have a yummy pasta dinner and bid on delicious desserts to help support our award winning team. Stay tuned for information on where to buy tickets in next week’s NOTAM.
- Attention Aviation High School Students! Grab your art supplies, camera, instrument, computer, pen, or video camera and create something to submit for the 2009-2010 40th annual PTA Reflections Contest. The theme is “Beauty is…” Reflections is an opportunity to pursue your artistic expression. Entries will be judged on creative ability and interpretation of the theme in the Senior Division (grades 9-12) in the following categories: Literature—Music Composition—Photography—Visual Arts—Film/Video—Choreography/Dance. All AHS participants will receive recognition, certificate, prize & special catered lunch.
Finalist entries (up to 4 per category) will go on to the Highline Council level of the competition. Submissions will be collected in the main office the week of November 16th with Friday, November 20th being the last day to turn in your entry. Entries turned in after 2 pm on November 20th will not be judged. Go to www.aviationptsa.org and click on the Reflections link for rules and entry forms. Additional forms are also available in the main office. For more information contact Liz Campisteguy at campisteguy@gmail.com.
Except for the Quote of the Week, the following announcements have been posted in previous editions of the NOTAM. They are still important and posted for your information and action, as appropriate:
- Senior Project Proposal Due Date: Senior advisors will be accepting proposals in the window from September 25th to October 2nd. After that date, the proposals will be considered overdue. Notification will be sent to senior’s parents on Monday, October 5th, indicating that the student is not on track for graduation this June
Any sophomores interested in taking the PSAT must sign up with Bonnie in the main office by September 23.